Thursday, May 27, 2010

Today's Confession!

I am currently suffering from wanderlust... though not in the sense that I need to travel, but more of in the sense that I would like to live in a new state every few years.  Don't worry, I won't be leaving my husband for this, we have both mutually agreed that this is something we would like to do... Really get to see this big, beautiful country of ours!

So, I guess with that being said, my current domestic envy is North Carolina.  If anyone knows of any Mechanical Engineering jobs and Warehouse management jobs (for the hubbster) down there, let me know! I would like to become a resident of the state and then get my MS in Engineering Management at UNC Charlotte because they have an online program for it that would only cost me $5,000 if I was an in-state-er!

I also slightly miss Food Lion because its just so damn cheap! And the cost of housing is pretty reasonable too!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Remember that little guy that needed a home last month????   Well, he got one!!! Yay!!!! Here is an email from his new mom! She changed his name to Cassidy and he is doing well!

"Hi Everyone...

I just wanted to touch base with you all and let you know that things are going very well with  my sweet angel of a dog, Cassidy. Yesterday, after we got back from the Poconos, I took him out to Appalachian Tails here in Glastonbury and got him a mobility vest, which helps both him and I a lot. It makes it much easier for him to do stairs, get into the van, etc. I have also removed the middle seat from the van to make it more "handicapped accessible" for him.

I signed him up for training classes as well, which start on June 27th, I figure he should be mostly recovered from his neuter surgery by then... We are going to the doctor's this afternoon for a complete physical before his surgery tomorrow. If, by any chance, he has any medical issues, please be assured that they will be taken care of immediately.

He is a wonderful, beautiful dog and I love him. If all goes well with basic training, I am going to seriously investigate training classes for him to be a therapy dog. All the prospective adopters that overlooked him at the shelter have no clue what they missed out on! Lucky for me... :)

I want to thank each of you for taking care of my sweet boy for so many months, when no one else wanted him..."

Cassidy in his mobility vest

Cassidy with his new mommy!!!

YAY for happy endings!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

its that time again... toof cleanin' time

does anyone else suck as much as i do about getting regular bi-annual cleanings?

sometime between when i graduated college and now i had a cleaning... it had been 4 years since i had had one.  i'm going in today for another cleaning. again, i can't remember the last time that i was there, but i know it was in the last 3 years sometime...

but seriously, am i the only one who does this? do i really care that much if i don't get my teeth cleaned twice a year? i mean i had braces for 5 years when i was younger, causing me to visit the dentist once a month... for FIVE YEARS!  i've had my fill of dental work, thank-you-very-much!

anyway, after today, my teeth will be squeeky clean... until i forget to make my next appointment...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Getting "Church'd"

I'm not sure many of you know or care, but I grew up Catholic. I always joked that the main rule for catholisism is "if it feels good, stop".  And I would probably still be a practicing Catholic if I didn't become a "think-for-yourselfer" right before I completed my confirmation (but that is a story for another day). 

Recently, and by that I mean in the past 2 years or so, I have been becoming more of a non-denominational Christian and by that I mean, trying more to focus on the Bible than most other religious teachings I have experienced.

WAIT, don't stop reading yet, I promise I'm not going to get all religious on your ass!

Anyway, in my journey to become more Christian, less Catholic, I have been looking for a church... but not like actively seeking, going to a different church every week, not finding what I'm looking for, kind of searching... more like, looking at teachings online, talking to people I know that are actively involved in their churches, kind of thing. Mainly, becoming a Christian in a lazy manner. 

Now I appreciate that the Bible says you need to preach your faith to others and try to get the Word out there, that's your duty as a Christian... But I am really not a fan of those people who are fanatic about thier churches.  Let me explain what I mean by this...

I call it "Getting Church'd"... no its not like getting schooled... its when you ask someone one thing about their church and then for days, weeks and months, all they talk about is how you should come to their church, how its better, are you walking with God?... that type of stuff.  It seems that normal topics are now not a part of your daily interactions. 
Church-er: "Hey, I didn't see you at my church on Sunday?"

No, I'm not writing this to offend anyone.  Hey, if you think you've got a great church, I would love to hear about it! Just don't make it become the only socially interactive topic we can have.  I think its wonderful when a person's life revolves around their church, and I would love for that to someday the case in my life, but I'm not there yet. I haven't recieved my calling... I'm trying! Please understand.

With that, here is a somewhat entertaining article on 10 "rules" Christians should take into consideration.

And here's your final food for thought: Going to church on Sunday and talking shit about everyone else doesn't make you a better person than the one who prays mulitple times a day and tries to be Christ-like, but doesn't go to church on Sunday... I'm just saying...